8 Items
You're Missing
In Your
First Aid Kit

All first aid kits include gauze, bandages, scissors, and tweezers, but what are you missing?

Whether you are buying a pre-made kit, making your own, or simply updating your current, there are a few items that you want to make sure you're not forgetting!

Preventing, Managing,
and Treating Emergencies

When adding new products to your first aid kit, make sure to tailor these items to your needs. It's most important to know the purpose of your kit and where you will need to use it to fully be prepared in case of an emergency. Use these items for preventing, managing, and treating emergencies at home or on the go.

Be fully prepared in case of an emergency
with these 8 essential products.

BugX Insect Repellent Towelettes
Your basic first aid kit will include sting relief pads, but how can you prevent the sting before it happens? For first aid kits designed to be used outdoors or on the go, insect repellent is a must-have!

The convenience of these towelettes is excellent for first aid kits of all sizes.

American Red Cross First Aid Handbook
The more you know, the more prepared you will be in the case of an emergency! First aid handbooks are excellent for standard household, outdoor, and traveling first aid kits.

This handbook is an A-to-Z guide that covers all emergency response basics.

Cold Packs

Whether you are traveling to a soccer practice, ballet recital, or simply to the grocery store, have an instant cold pack for quick and effective cold therapy! This pack provides relief from pain caused by bumps, bruises, and scrapes, and is easy to use within seconds.

Laerdal CPR
Pocket Mask

Perform CPR safely, while preventing any liquid or air from transferring in the opposite direction, with a CPR Pocket Mask. Designed for at home or on-the-go first aid kits.

Use this pocket mask to deliver rescue breaths in the case of an emergency.

Blistex Lip Balm
If you are camping or on the road, medicated lip balms can easily be forgotten, be prepared & pack some in your first aid kit today! With SPF 10, multiple types and sizes, and a medicated formula, this lip balm is absorbed into your lips to reduce pain from dry lips, sunburns, & cold sores.

Calamine Lotion
A 2-in-1 for outdoor relief that you don't want to miss! Use Calamine to soothe sunburns and protect your skin while outdoors. Also use this lotion to relieve itching caused by poison ivy, sumac, or oak. For your outdoor adventures, this anti-itch lotion is a must!

Steri-Temp Oral Thermometer Sheaths
A must-have for all personal first aid kits to take temperatures while avoiding cross contamination! Disposable, oral, sterile, and individually wrapped, these thermometer sheaths are perfect for households with multiple children.

ACE Elastic Bandage
Easily forgotten, ACE bandages are just what every first aid kit needs! Use your bandage to hold a cold pack in place, secure gauze to an open wound, or support a weakened or injured wrist or ankle.